When things things get out of hand between blended family members, there may be temptation to take disputes to the internet. Doing so may cause some to break cyber-bullying laws.
What is cyber-bullying?
According to Kidshealth.org Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. Stopbullying.gov specifies it as "bullying that takes place using electronic devices and equipment, including cell phones, computers, and tablets.? Violencepreventionworks.org goes into greater detail stating ?Cyber bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) (Kowalski et al. 2008)??Who does it happen to??
Cyber bullying can happen to anyone, regardless of age, sex or gender. A step-parent can be bullied by a bio-parent, a step-child can be bullied by a step-sibling, and extended members of a biological family can bully members of step-families. (The reversed is also true.)
The use of social networking sites and the access to candid information has made it more convenient for disgruntled step-family members to get involved in cyberbullying activities. ?
You may be a victim of cyber bullying in your blended family if a member of your blended family or a member of your step-children?s bio family does any of these things:
- Makes harassing, threatening, or embarrassing comments about you in a chat room, on your page (or thread) or under your photo online.
- Sets up a website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (or other) page for the purpose of belittling you, your children, spouse or your parental abilities.
- Posts embarrassing pictures or videos about you
- Steals your photos from your page (or re-tweets/re-posts/re-sends them) adding harassing, mean or embarrassing comments. (Including comments that are not overtly mean, but are meant to belittle you.)
- Sets up a blog dedicated to downing you, your children, or family members.
- Follows all of your comments on a thread or page with mean, embarrassing or harassing comments. (also known as cyber-stalking).
- Makes threats against you online, by email or by text
- Sends multiple harassing and/or threatening text messages to your cell phone/ sends multiple one-letter texts/or any other manner of multiple back-to-back texts (also known as text-bombing)
- Posts private email or Instant Message exchanges between you and them on their status, blog, Facebook page (or note) or any other public place where others can read it.
- Steals your password and posts things on your page as if they were you, or changes your password to one that you don?t know.
- Curses you out, threatens to fight you or to do some other type of harm (such as threatening to take your children or spouse) online.
- Posts something that you have asked them not to post about you.
These are just a few ways that a blended family member can be a victim of cyber bullying, however, due to the unique issues that blended families encounter there are many other ways to bully them online. Bullying in blended families can be difficult to address because there are already so many issues that the family is trying to work through. Parents should address- and correct -bullying behavior between step-siblings immediately. This may include restriction and counseling. Step-parents who are being bullied by a bio-parent should inform their spouse. Together, they can make a plan for correcting negative behavior.??
A blended family member who feels like they are a victim of cyber-bullying can also block the bully, save all previous correspondences to show that the bully was bullying them, and contact the proper authorities. Please note that although the bullying may be reported to a social sites authorities, it may still be necessary to contact the police.
Find out your states cyberbullying laws here.Where to report cyber-bullying
How to report Cyberbullying on Facebook here. How to report Cyberbullying on Istagram here How to report Cyberbullying on YouTube hereSource: http://www.blendedfamilymoments.com/2013/02/identifying-cyberbullying-in-step.html
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