বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

New online business resource: Photography Spark | Fundy Software ...

Zach Prez, of Photography Web Marketing, has just started a new venture this week, Photography Spark. With 10 years of Internet marketing experience and 3 businesses started (he sold the first two), Zach is an amazing entrepreneur and knows his SEO! Photography Spark was created by Zach to gather education from industry experts and help generate new ideas for photographers. And Fundy was honored to provide some content on Albums 101: The Art and Business of Album Design.

Plus, we were excited to win Best Album Software from Photography Spark. Congrats to the other category winners such as Best Action from MCP Actions and Best Forum going to The [b] School.

Click here to see the full list of digital product awards.



Plus, Photography Spark is giving away an iPad! Click here to get the details and enter to win.

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Source: http://www.fundysoftware.com/2013/01/photography-spark/

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