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Here we are going to discuss a few more tips that will help female self-defense and personal security and personal safety. Read on to learn what they are.
Source:Self-Defense: More Tips for Women-Potential Life-Savers
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Essential self-defense training from the elite British SAS.
Barry Davies is one of the most widely respected experts on the techniques and training of the elite British Special Air Service (SAS). In The SAS Self-Defense Handbook, Davies reveals the self-defense techniques of the SAS. The handbook is fully illustrated with nearly 130 photographs and illustrations that explain how to properly use your body and use everyday objects such as desktop items and cigarette lighters to protect yourself. Learn how to avoid physical attacks from humans and animals, and handle those confrontations that cannot be avoided. 83 color and 39 black-and-white illustrationsseal team 6 touch nitrous oxide rihanna thug life tattoo arizona governor patrick witt leprosy
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